About Us » Hand Book

Hand Book

Edenwold School Hand Book

Edenwold School
 “Connecting Life and Learning”
 “Nurturing and empowering all learners”
We are
We demonstrate our VALUES
Contact Info:
Box 190 Edenwold, SK S0G 1K0 Website
Phone Number:   (306) 771-4183 Email: [email protected]
Fax Number:       (306) 771-4169  
2023-2024 Staff:
Principal, K-6 Instruction, & Student Services Teacher Kelly Gerein
K & Gr. 1-3 Instruction Raylin Tamlin
Gr. 4-6 Instruction Mackenzie Stamm
Band Teacher Katlyn Redding
Band Intern Teacher Robyn Powers
Educational Assistant Dixie Decelles
Library Technician Gwen Reynolds
Administrative Assistant Pat Chubb
Custodian Tasha Gartner
Bus Driver Rod Beckett
Learning Facilitator Marlene Belliveau
Learning Facilitator Robyn Neuls
Student Services - Coordinator Lorrie Rogala
Student Services - Child and Family Support Worker  Brandy Drew
Student Services - Occupational Therapist Cara Chow
Student Services - Psychologist Paula Moon-Wozney
Student Services - Speech Language Pathologist Amber Nguyen
Learning Superintendent Lorrie Anne Harkness


Bell Schedule:

8:50   Entrance Bell                    

12:12   Lunch Recess

8:55   Classes Begin    

12:32   Entrance Bell

10:29-10:44 AM Recess            

12:37   Classes Begin

10:44  Classes Begin                  

2:12-2:27 PM Recess

11:47  Noon Dismissal  

2:27   Classes Begin

11:47-12:12 Lunch

3:30    Home Bell

Office Hours: Please visit or call between 8am and 3:30pm. Please leave a message if calling outside these hours or if no one is available to answer - we will return your call promptly.
Attendance: It is important for students to regularly attend school. Please attempt to schedule appointments and family getaways on non-school days. If this is not possible, please enter any absences into Edsby and let the school know well in advance.  Should a student be absent due to illness, we ask that parents enter it into Edsby, or contact the school either by phone or email.   
Arrival time at school:  Supervision of students begins at 8:40 a.m. for non-bus students.  Non-bus students should not arrive at school prior to supervision time.
Billets: Students are required to have a billet within Edenwold in the event of extreme weather conditions. We can assist in this area as necessary; please keep the school informed of any changes to this information.
Bussing: Prairie Valley School Division provides transportation to and from school for students that live outside of town, within the approved Edenwold School boundaries. Regular bus riders need to let drivers know if their plans change before or after school. We would also appreciate notice at the school office, to avoid any confusion about where students need to be. There may be a time when a non-regular bus rider may request “courtesy transportation” on a regular bus route. Permission for this will be granted or denied by the school administrator and bus driver, as circumstances dictate. Please contact the school and driver as early as possible with such requests. Non-regular bus students will not be allowed to ride a bus without a completed and signed Transportation Approval Form, available from our office.
Check In/Out: To ensure the safety of all students and staff, we ask that you check in at the office before proceeding to classrooms or to pick up your children during the school day. We must account for all students at all times during the school day and ask for your cooperation in this area.
Inclement Weather/Emergencies: The Prairie Valley School Division and Edenwold School web sites have policy information about this topic. If there is a question about the status of the school day or bus routes, information will be communicated in multiple ways – website, local radio, phone message, Seesaw message, Edsby, and possibly other methods. Please help us keep all students and staff safe by keeping your contact information up to date with our office.  
"Indoor recess" - We always encourage students to be prepared to go outside for recess. However, we recognize that we live in an environment where it can be dangerous to be outside when unnecessary. Most PVSD elementary schools follow the standard of temperature if wind chill is -27oC or colder as the determinant number at which we will institute indoor recess. There will be times when the temperature is close to that point where we may give students the option of going outside. This would depend on factors like how well prepared (dressed) the student is, how strong the actual wind is and the direction it is coming from, and the availability of sufficient supervision to keep students safe indoors and outdoors.
Library: Our library is a centre for many activities, from borrowing materials and working on projects to meeting space for teachers, parents and community members. Following are some guidelines students and parents should be aware of:
a.)      All materials being borrowed from the library must be scanned/signed out
b.)      Please respect other users by keeping noise and activity to an appropriate level
c.)      Lost materials will be charged to the individual who signed the item(s) out
Lunch Room:
  1. All students eat in their designated lunch room.  Students are encouraged to bring healthy items for lunch.
  2. Students are responsible for cleaning up after themselves and older students will have extra responsibility in this area

Edenwold School Community Council

The Edenwold School Community Council (ESCC) was formed in February, 2007.  The Community Council works to support the school in achieving its goals by sponsoring initiatives, advising on activities, and promoting the school in and beyond the community of Edenwold.  We have a strong history of parental and community involvement and encourage all parents to consider ways they can contribute to the success of our students. In the past the school council has been responsible for organizing extra-curricular sporting events, financial support for resources needed to achieve school curricular goals, and celebrating achievements.
Meetings are held at least five times per year and are open to all community members. Please check the school website for meeting dates. The Annual General Meeting is held in the Fall (Sept/Oct) and is advertised prior. Executive members are elected at the AGM.

2022-23 Edenwold School Community Council Executive

Chair – Kylie Field

Vice Chair - Melanie Olson

Secretary – Tracy Boehme                              

Treasurer - Ashley Gayton

PVSD Representative – Kimberly Kiel

Members-At-Large - Kurtus Bray, Meghan Kramer, ​Brittany Lindenbach, Kelsey Moore, Matthew Moore, Arianne Stef, Andrea Wilk

Should you have any questions or would like to become involved with the council at any time, please feel free to contact any member of the council or the school. Remember, the ESCC is committed to making our school a better place and as such welcomes all community members!

Discipline Policy

All members of the Edenwold School community are committed to demonstrating our values and working with each other in a respectful and responsible manner. Our Discipline Policy allows us to deal with those times when there has been a demonstrated lack of appropriate behavior. School staff members will work as a team, and with students and families to help them correct any inappropriate behavior. We are committed to implementing Positive Behaviour Interventions and Supports (PBIS) as part of our discipline policy. PBIS is not a program or curriculum, it is a way of "doing business" in schools. It can play a significant role in helping develop a positive culture, which can eventually work itself into the day-to-day operations of the school.

Positive Behavioural Interventions

Edenwold School embraces the development of respectful, kind and responsible citizens as a priority. Prevention creates more positive than negative consequences. Positive school-wide behavioural expectations are defined, taught and encouraged with all students. Positive Behavior interventions are based on the school`s vision, mission and values. The Edenwold School team believes it is important that students understand there are positive consequences for good behaviour. We are committed to implementing Positive Behaviour Interventions and Supports as part of our discipline policy.

  • Positive/appropriate behaviours can be reinforced by:
  • Staff recognition
  • Peer recognition
  • A phone call/letter to parent/guardian
  • Increased privileges
  • Rewards and awards

We view discipline as a learning experience, an opportunity to learn from one's mistakes, make restitution when possible and make correct decisions. Consequences are an integral part of our discipline policy. We attempt to provide consequences for misbehaviour that are logical, related to the offence, and provide an opportunity for restitution. Consequences will always be fair but not necessarily equal. A consequence that is effective and appropriate for one student may be ineffective and inappropriate for another. When students are in doubt about the appropriateness of a particular behaviour we expect them to be guided by common sense, respect, and common courtesy.

EVERY STUDENT SHALL: (based on Education Act)

  • Attend school regularly and punctually;
  • Bring and effectively manage their supplies and materials that have been provided by the parent/guardian and the school;
  • Observe the expectations and rules of school personnel;
  • Be attentive, on task, work diligently, respect the right of others to learn, and act in such a way so as to promote an environment conducive to learning;
  • Through language and actions, show courtesy for and respect of self, other students and staff as well as personal and school property;
  • Follow school conduct regulations;
  • Conduct themselves appropriately as representatives of the school during extracurricular activities; and
  • Conform to all regulations of the school approved by the Board of Education and/or the principal and submit to such discipline as would be exercised by a kind and judicious parent.


Staff members at Edenwold School attempt to select consequences that best meet the need of both an individual student and the school as a whole. Depending upon many factors, including the age of the student and the nature of the offence, possible consequences for inappropriate behaviour include the following:

  • Reminder of the rule
  • A warning with respect to the violation of the rule
  • Working in an alternate space for a designated time
  • Being spoken to by the principal
  • A phone call to the parent/guardian
  • Action planning for improved behaviour
  • Removal from extra-curricular activities
  • Verbal or written plans or agreements
  • School or community service (e.g. cleaning)
  • Removal of privileges
  • In-school suspension
  • Out-of-school suspension

Minor offences are dealt with at the discretion of individual team members. Major offences are dealt with at the discretion of school administration.

Bullying and Harassment Policy

Edenwold School is committed to creating a safe and welcoming environment that is free from harassment, bullying and violence for all students, team members, and visitors. To build and maintain a positive and inclusive school environment, Edenwold School values - Kindness, Accountability, Respect, Excellence, and Diversity are taught and expected. There is a focus on school wide and individual class programming intended to educate and promote Timberwolf values and to support a bully and harassment free environment.

Bullying means any form of aggression that is repeatedly directed at an individual or group when there is an imbalance of power, one person having greater power, control or status than the person being victimized.

Harassment means any objectionable conduct, comment or display by a person that is directed at a student and is made on the basis of race, creed, religion, colour, sex, gender, sexual orientation, family status, disability, physical size or weight, age, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or an act or acts that threaten the health or safety of a student.

All persons should display respect, understanding, and good citizenship towards others. No person should participate in or condone actions that may be regarded as demeaning, derogatory or discriminatory. To build and maintain a bully and harassment-free climate, all team members work to make the school a safe and enjoyable learning environment. Students are encouraged to voice their concerns to any staff member as they arise. Behaviours that are aggressive, negative and intentionally cause anyone harm are taken seriously and will be investigated. On receipt of these concerns, the teacher and/or school administration will investigate the situation.

Investigations may include but are not limited to:

  • Conversations with students involved and possible witnesses.
  • Completion of the Harassment or Bully Complaint Form to document concerns.
  • Collaborative partnership with families to support the growth of involved students. This includes phone calls home to the parent(s) of student(s) that are accused of bullying harassment to inform that allegations have been brought forward and to the parent(s) of the alleged victim(s). Follow-up communication with parent(s) at the conclusion of the investigation.

Students will be held to account for behaviors of this nature. Consequences will vary depending on the nature of the incident (for instance restitution, verbal reprimand, time spent in office, suspensions from school). The involvement of other agencies and/or other PVSD staff such as the Social Worker may be activated.

Note, as per all disciplinary issues, any situations reported are held in confidence and privacy is respected as per PVSD protocol.

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